Quick Start Guide
User created theme
RSS reader
Camera and camcorder
Synchronisation with Windows Media Player
• 3G
• Your phone is capable of operating in a 3G environment, allowing much greater data transfer speed, video
streaming, and video conferencing..
USer created theme
• Create your own theme using your favourite background images and colours.
• Share your photos and videos on photo sharing websites and blogs.
rSS reader
• Use RSS reader to get the latest news from your favourite websites.
camera and camcorder
• Use the camera module on your phone to take a photo or record a video.
SynchroniSation with windowS media PLayer
• Transfer music files to your phone directly from Windows Media Player.
mUSic PLayer
• Play music files on your phone. You can use other phone functions while listening to music.
Fm radio
• Listen to your favourite radio stations anytime, anywhere.
DiGital Data printinG
• Print images, messages, and personal data directly from your phone.
• Transfer media files and personal data, and connect to other devices using wireless Bluetooth technology.
weB BrowSer
• Access the wireless web to get up-to-the-minute information and a wide variety of media content.
Failure to comply with the following precautions may be dangerous or illegal.
drive SaFeLy at aLL timeS
• Do not use a hand-held phone while driving. Park your vehicle first.
Switch oFF in an aircraFt
• Wireless phones can cause interference. Using them in an aircraft is both illegal and dangerous.
Switch off the phone when refuellinG
• Do not use the phone at a refuelling point (service station) or near fuels or chemicals.
• All wireless phones may be subject to interference, which could affect their performance.
Features / Precautions _02
Switch oFF the Phone near aLL medicaL eqUiPment
• Hospitals or health care facilities may be using equipment that could be sensitive to external radio
frequency energy. Follow any regulations or rules in force.
be aware of Special reGulationS
• Meet any special regulations in force in any area and always switch off your phone whenever it is
forbidden to use it, or when it may cause interference or danger.
water reSiStance
• Your phone is not water-resistant. Keep it dry.
SenSiBLe USe
• Use only in the normal position (held to your ear). Avoid unnecessary contact with the antenna when
the phone is switched on.
eMerGency callS
• Key in the emergency number for your present location, then press
KeeP yoUr Phone away From SmaLL chiLdren
• Keep the phone and all its parts, including acces sories, out of the reach of small children.
acceSSorieS and BatterieS
• Use only Samsung-approved batteries and accessories, such as headsets and PC data cables.
Use of any unauthorised accessories could damage you or your phone and may be dangerous.
qUaLiFied Service
• Only qualified service personnel may repair your phone
Phone Layout
with the phone open
rear camera
camera LenS
toUch PaneL
riGht Soft key
LeFt SoFt Key
menU exit Key
diaL Key
Switch Key
rear camera
video caLL Key
deLete Key
memory card SLot
SPeciaL FUnction
Precautions / Phone Layout _03
Set & Link
the following illustrations show the main elements of your phone:
inSert the Sim card.
inSert the Battery.
Sreattach the Battery cover.
pluG the travel aDapter into the phone.
To AC power outlet
Basic Use
maKe or anSwer caLLS
making a call
2. Press [
] to end the call.
t9 mode
To make a voice call:
to enter a word:
1. In Idle mode, enter an area code and phone number.
1. Press [2] to [9] to start entering a word.
2. Press [
3. Press [
]. Press [Volume] to adjust the volume.
] to end the call.
2. Enter the whole word before editing or deleting
3. When the word displays correctly, press [#] to insert
a space.
To make a video call:
Otherwise, press [0] to display alternative word choices.
1. In Idle mode, enter an area code and phone number.
2. Press [
3. Press [
aBc mode
] to end the call.
to enter a word:
Press the appropriate key until the character you want
appears on the display.
anSwerinG a call
1. When the phone rings, open the phone. If the phone
is already open, press [
]. If it is a video call, press
<Show me> to allow the caller to see you via thecamera.
Set & Link / Basic Use _04
Make sure you have each item
• Phone
• Travel adapter
• Battery
• User’s Guide
You can obtain various accessories from your local Samsung dealer.
note: The items supplied with your phone and the accessories available at your
Samsung dealer may vary, depending on your country or service provider.
Solving Problem
When you switch your phone on, the following messages may appear
“inSert Sim”
Make sure that the SIM card is correctly installed
“Phone LocK”
The automatic locking function has been enabled.
You must enter the phone’s password before you can use the phone.
enter PUK
The PIN code was entered incorrectly three times in succession and the phone is now blocked.
Enter the PUK supplied by your service provider.
enter Pin
You are using your phone for the first time.
You must enter the Personal Identification Number (PIN) supplied with the SIM card.
The PIN Check feature is enabled. Every time the phone is switcshed on,
the PIN has to be entered. To disable this feature, use the PIN check menu.
“no Service,” “networK FaiLUre,” or “not done” diSPLayS
The network connection has been lost. You may be in a weak signal area. Move and try again.
You are trying to access an option for which you have not taken out a subscription
with your service provider. Contact the service provider for further details.
yoU have entered a nUmBer BUt it waS not diaLLed
Make sure that you have pressed SEND
Make sure that you have accessed the right cellular network.
Make sure that you have not set an outgoing call barring option.
a caLLer cannot reach yoU
Make sure that your phone is switched on. (Press END for more than one second.)
Make sure that you are accessing the correct cellular network.
Make sure that you have not set an incoming call barring option.
UNPACK / Solving Problem_05
Solving Problem
yoUr voice iS not heard at the other end
Make sure that you have switched on the microphone.
Make sure that you are holding the phone close enough to your mouth.
The microphone is located at the bottom of the phone.
the phone StartS beepinG anD “battery low” flaSheS on the DiSplay
Your battery is insufficiently charged. Recharge the battery.
the aUdio qUaLity oF the caLL iS Poor”
Check the signal strength indicator on the display ( ).
The number of bars indicates the signal strength from strong ( ) to weak( ).
Try moving the phone slightly or moving closer to a window if you are in a building.
no nUmBer iS diaLLed when yoU re-caLL a addreSS entry
Use the Phonebook feature to ensure the number has been stored correctly.
Store the number again, if necessary.
the battery DoeSn’t charGe properly or the phone SoMetiMeS
tUrnS itSeLF oFF
Wipe the charging contacts both on the phone and on the battery with a clean soft cloth.
if the above GuiDelineS Do not help you to Solve the probleM, take note of
The model and serial numbers of your phone
Your warranty details
A clear description of the problem
Solving Problem_06
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