Nokia Network Router A032 User Manual

NOKIA A032  
© NOKIA INC | File: a032trbsv2.doc | Date: 15.08.01  
This document is intended to resolve common problems that may occur whilst using the Nokia A032  
Access Point. It offers useful advice on avoiding general problems and preventing their re-occurrence.  
This document is not intended to replace the User Manual but should be read in conjunction with it.  
This section provides on troubleshooting advice on Access Point initialization (startup) problems.  
If the initialization procedure fails an error code should be displayed on the info LED’s and the alert  
LED will remain on.  
The code should be read from left to right. To identify the code write down each LED as a '1' or '0'  
depending on its state (on = 1).  
For example the pattern:  
on on off off on off  
would be written:  
The table below lists the error codes (a more detailed explanation of each code is given in the section  
below the table.  
Log Text  
100001 Bad code image  
110000 Bad PCMCIA hardware  
110001 No PCMCIA  
PCMCIA hardware failure  
No PCMCIA card detected  
Non-compatible PCMCIA card  
Cannot initialize radio  
110010 Bad PCMCIA card  
110011 Bad radio (does not initialize)  
001000 Bad DRAM (stuck address)  
Memory error type 1  
001001 Bad Ethernet RAM (stuck address) Memory error type 2  
001010 Bad CMOS Memory  
101000 LAN controller error  
011000 Bad configuration  
011001 Bad Manufacturer's info  
011010 Bad log sector  
Configuration error - default loaded  
LAN Interface Error  
Configuration error  
Bad unit checksum  
Log sector bad — recovered  
System fault  
011011 System error  
© NOKIA INC | File: a032trbsv2.doc | Date: 15.08.01  
1.1.1 info LED error codes explained  
100001: Bad code image  
This error message indicates that the flash memory firmware is invalid or corrupted. Correct  
firmware is loaded at the factory prior to shipment. Therefore this problem may be the result of a  
problem during an upgrade procedure. Appendix D of the printed Nokia A032 Wireless LAN  
Access Point User Guide or the A032_User_Guide.pdf file describes methods for reloading the  
firmware. If these procedures fail to solve the problem there may be a failure in the unit and it  
may need to be repaired by dealer.  
110000: Bad PCMCIA hardware  
Indicates that there is a failure of the PCMCIA slot. Unit must be repaired by dealer.  
110001: No PCMCIA  
Indicates that no PCMCIA card has been detected. This will occur if the PCMCIA slot is empty  
or the radio card did not seat properly. Ensure that the radio card is aligned correctly and  
pressed firmly all the way into the slot. You may intentionally power up the access point without  
the radio for certain diagnostic tasks or to configure only using the LAN connection. This error  
message will appear briefly and then the initialization will complete without the radio card.  
110010: Bad PCMCIA card  
Indicates that the PCMCIA card is not compatible with the Nokia A032. This may be because it  
is not a radio card or because it is an incompatible radio card. Ensure that the Nokia C110 or  
C111 radio card has been inserted into the PCMCIA slot.  
110011: Bad radio (does not initialize)  
Indicates that the PCMCIA radio card does not respond to initialization requests. This may  
indicate that the card is faulty. Try using an alternative radio card, ensuring that the radio card  
used is a Nokia C110 or C111.  
001000: Bad DRAM (stuck address) and  
001001: Bad Ethernet RAM (stuck address)  
Indicates a hardware memory problem in the unit. Unit must be repaired by dealer.  
001010: Bad CMOS memory  
Indicates that the configuration memory had a checksum error. This memory is used to store  
the optional settings for the unit. If a checksum error is encountered the Nokia A032 will  
automatically re-load the default configuration parameters.  
101000: LAN controller error  
Indicates failure of the Ethernet interface. Unit must be repaired by dealer.  
011000: Bad configuration  
© NOKIA INC | File: a032trbsv2.doc | Date: 15.08.01  
Indicates that the configuration information is corrupted for some unspecified reason. In this  
case the access point will automatically reset the default values and restart. Put the Access  
Point into learn mode and reconfigure.  
011001: Bad manufacturer's information  
Indicates that the internal configuration information has been corrupted. Contact dealer.  
011010: Bad log sector  
Indicates that the log information in the flash memory has been corrupted. In this case the Nokia  
A032 will automatically restore an empty log file. The original log and NID name information will  
be lost but the unit will proceed with initialization. Reenter NID List and WEP information before  
011011: System error  
Indicates failure of initialization due to an unknown cause. Power down and then power up  
Access Point again. If the error re-occurs the unit must be returned to the dealer for repair.  
The Initialization log file keeps a record of each time the Nokia A032 is restarted. You can use it to  
diagnose start-up problems.  
During initialization, as each part of the system is started, entries are made in the log. If the startup is  
successful the resulting log file changes are written into the flash memory as a record of the event.  
The log file can hold data from approximately 30 restarts. After this the oldest entries are overwritten  
by new entries. To keep a more permanent record, upload the log file periodically using TFTP and  
save it to disk – see Using the TFTP wireless station program in the Nokia A032 Wireless LAN Access  
Point User Guide or the A032_User_Guide.pdf file.  
1.2.1 An example log file  
An example log file is shown below:  
Initializing version: 3.00.00 on Tue, 20 Apr 2000 16:19:05  
Initialize LAN port...  
LAN Port ready: Message. CLM Request  
Initializing version: 3.00.00 on Tue, 20 Apr 2000 16:43:28  
Initialize LAN port...  
LAN Port ready,  
The log file shows the following information:  
The first line of an entry shows the time at the restart and records the version of Nokia A032  
software (in this case 3.00). The next lines show the LAN port is initialized after which the unit is  
operating normally.  
© NOKIA INC | File: a032trbsv2.doc | Date: 15.08.01  
1.2.2 Real-time troubleshooting via the serial port  
If there is a problem during initialization the Nokia A032 may stop and display an error code on the  
info LED’s. You cannot view the contents of the log file because the Nokia A032 is not operating.  
To provide a solution to this problem, the Nokia A032 also writes all log file entries to the serial port  
during initialization. If the unit fails to initialize and you can’t discover the problem, try attaching a serial  
terminal to the unit.  
Connect a serial terminal to the serial port with the following settings:  
Baud rate: 9600 bps  
#bits: 8  
No parity  
This will result in the display of progress messages. You’ll see log messages written to the terminal –  
these might provide useful information. These error messages are listed in paragraph 2.1.  
This section gives advice on problems which may occur when trying to associate with the Access  
Point or when joining the network.  
If a wireless station cannot associate with the Access Point when the wireless station is booted up  
check the following.  
2.1.1Network name  
The network name that is entered into the profile must be the same as the network you are trying  
to join. Check that the network name in the profile is exactly the same as the network name in the  
Access Point remembering that the Network names are case sensitive.  
The Access Points default WEP mode is WEP, this ensures that the network is safe from  
intruders if the access point is ever defaulted. When using a Nokia C110 radio card in the  
wireless station when association with the access point fails due to WEP, a message will  
appear on the wireless station user interface.  
The WEP mode must be the compatible, for example a wireless station in WEP Mode Open will  
not associate with an access point in WEP Mode WEP.  
If shared key authentication is being used the keys used must be identical and in corresponding  
slots in both the access point and wireless stations.  
If personal WEP keys are being used the wireless stations user name (normally the MAC  
address) and key must be on the database. The user name and key must be the same on both  
the wireless station and database.  
WEP Keys are not transmitted over the airwaves and therefore must be in place on the access  
point (or database) and the wireless station before any association is begun.  
© NOKIA INC | File: a032trbsv2.doc | Date: 15.08.01  
2.1.3NID list  
If you are using NID List security and the MAC address of the wireless station is not entered in  
the NID list the access will be prevented.  
A NID (Network Identifier) list is used when configuring an Access Point to stop unwanted  
wireless stations associating with the Access Point. If the MAC address of the Radio card in the  
wireless station has not been added to the NID List the wireless station will not be able to  
associate. Speak to your Network manager.  
2.1.4Radio card  
Check the statistics page on the card user interface to ensure that Network is visible.  
If the Network is not visible replace the radio card in the wireless station. If the network is still not  
visible replace the radio card in the Access Point. If these procedures fail and you have another  
Access Point (which you know is fully functional) try to associate the wireless station with that  
Access Point.  
If the wireless station has associated with Access Point but cannot join the network the wireless  
station may need to renew its IP address for the specific network.  
If the IP information in the wireless station machine is obtained using DHCP, you may need to renew  
the information before you can access the A032. If you have moved from a network where you had a  
fixed IP address you must first change the settings so that the IP address is obtained.  
1. Right click the mouse on Network Neighborhood icon on the desktop.  
2. Choose Properties  
3. Highlight TCP/IP -> Nokia C11x Wireless LAN Card (or other wireless LAN card if different)  
and Click Properties  
4. Click button Obtain IP address automatically.  
5. Click OK and restart the wireless station.  
If, when the wireless station has rebooted, the wireless station does not automatically renew the IP  
address, or the wireless station was already configured correctly, then you must renew it manually.  
Using Windows 95/98.  
1. Choose Run from the Start menu.  
2. Enter WinIPcfg and press Enter.  
3. Select the correct adapter card in the pull-down menu.  
4. Click Release.  
5. Click New.  
If the Release and New buttons are blanked out (not accessible) check that your wireless station does  
not have a fixed IP address (you can check this in Network Neighbourhood Properties).  
Using Windows NT or Windows 2000.  
1. Choose Command Prompt from the Start menu, Programs menu.  
2. Enter ipconfig /renew  
© NOKIA INC | File: a032trbsv2.doc | Date: 15.08.01  
You should now be able to access the network via the A032 from your wireless station machine.  
If you don’t know the Nokia A032’s current configuration status and you want to ensure that you are  
starting from a clean and known state, you can restore the factory default settings.  
You might want to do this before using Learn mode to configure the Nokia A032.  
Assuming the Nokia A032 is not security locked (see the Nokia A032 Wireless LAN Access Point User  
Guide) you can use the following procedure:  
1. Put the Nokia A032 into Learn mode  
2. Hold in the mode button.  
The LED’s perform a binary count, slowly coming on from left to right.  
3. Keep holding the mode button until all the LED’s are on. This takes about 10 seconds.  
The unit has now overwritten the configuration with the factory defaults, and it should restart.  
Remember to hold the mode button again when the unit restarts if you want to return to Learn mode.  
If the web management screen is not updating changes after information is entered the most likely  
cause is forgetting to press Enter before pressing Save.  
Enter the required values and press Enter. Then press Save.  
You may make changes on one Web Management page, press Enter and then update values on other  
Web Management screen (remembering to press Enter before moving to the next page) and then  
press Save to update all the changes. If you forgot to press Enter (and just press save) the changes  
on that specific page will be lost.  
If the Access Point is not configured as a DHCP server and wireless station is not forcing a dial out  
when it is connected to a modem, it is likely that the gateway on the wireless station is not set up  
correctly. The IP Address of the Access Point must be configured as a gateway in the wireless station.  
1. Right click the mouse on Network Neighborhood icon on the desktop.  
2. Choose Properties  
3. Highlight TCP/IP -> Nokia C11x Wireless LAN Card and Click Properties  
4. Click Gateway tab and enter IP address of Access Point.  
5. Click OK and restart the wireless station.  
© NOKIA INC | File: a032trbsv2.doc | Date: 15.08.01  
The Access Point can be configured as a DHCP server. More than one Access Point on the network  
can be configured as a DHCP server providing that the address pool of each server does not overlap.  
Care should also be taken that any Access Point configured as a DHCP server should not conflict with  
any other DHCP server on the network.  
Note that difficulty may be experienced if the pool size of the DHCP server is less than 8 when using  
wireless stations with MS windows. This is because Windows sometimes requests several addresses  
before accepting an offered IP address causing several addresses to be temporarily unavailable.  
The Nokia A032 uses PPP to connect and send data to an ISP. A basic understanding of its operation  
may be helpful if you’re having problems with a dial-up connection.  
There are four phases to the connection process:  
1. Dialing the ISP phone number.  
2. This phase checks the compatibility of the modem on the other end of the phone line and  
negotiates the speed of the connection based on the quality of the phone line.  
3. Talking to the ISP server and agree that it can use the PPP protocol.  
4. Identifying the user to the ISP by sending a username and password.  
5. Agreeing the IP addresses that will be used during the session.  
If all four steps complete the Nokia A032 will be able to deliver and receive IP packets to and from the  
We’ll look at each phase in detail and highlight possible problems. You might find it helpful to view the  
PPP Log screen.  
What happens  
Possible problems and solutions  
The Nokia A032 looks for a modem. The first  
required indication is that the DTR (Data terminal  
ready) signal at the serial port is active. This tells  
the Nokia A032 that there is a device connected  
to the serial port.  
Verify that the DTR signal is active by viewing the  
Modem Status screen (see the printed Nokia  
A032 Wireless LAN Access Point User Guide or  
the A032_User_Guide.pdf file) – the DTR box  
should be red. If it is blue ensure that the modem  
is powered on; check the cable connecting the  
modem to the Nokia A032.  
After DTR is detected the Nokia A032 attempts to If this step fails, make sure the modem is in its  
communicate with the modem using the industry  
standard AT command set.  
factory default state. Most modems automatically  
adapt to the data rate of the computer to which  
they are attached. If your modem has a fixed data  
rate you may need to specify that in Advanced  
Internet Access setup (modem).  
The Nokia A032 sends a reset command to the  
modem and then, optionally, Sends a user-  
defined initialization string.  
Most modems do not need an initialization string.  
However, if you are having problems, check the  
modem supplier’s support site for more  
© NOKIA INC | File: a032trbsv2.doc | Date: 15.08.01  
information on this.  
The Nokia A032 issues the command to dial. You If the line is busy or you’ve specified the wrong  
should hear the modem dialling and attempting to ISP number, the connection will fail. One possible  
connect. If, successful the modem will notify the  
Nokia A032 and proceed to the next stage.  
failure at this point is that the modem uses an  
unusual message to indicate connection. The last  
message received can be seen in the Modem  
Status web management screen (see the printed  
Nokia A032 Wireless LAN Access Point User  
Guide or the A032_User_Guide.pdf file). It should  
normally contain the word “Connected”. If not, you  
may need to use a special initialization string to  
get the correct message (check the Nokia support  
site for more information on this).  
What happens  
Possible problems and solutions  
The Nokia A032 and the ISP agree to use PPP  
and negotiate the various options that might be  
available to improve efficiency. This phase of  
negotiation uses Link Configuration Protocol  
Looking in the PPP Log (see the printed Nokia  
A032 Wireless LAN Access Point User Guide or  
the A032_User_Guide.pdf file) you should see  
entries labeled ‘LCP’ and identified as configure  
request, configure reject and configure NAK.  
These entries are normal and part of the bartering  
process. However, if the two sides are unable to  
agree one will eventually give up and drop the  
If you see a long sequence of LCP messages  
followed by a hang-up then there is probably  
a compatibility problem between the ISP and  
the Nokia A032. In this case you should  
contact Nokia technical support for advice.  
If the PPP Log contains configure requests  
but no replies, the ISP either doesn’t support  
PPP or needs some special procedure to turn  
on PPP. This will generally only be the case  
with older ISPs, although it may include some  
quite large services. In this case it may be  
necessary to use a script to log in and tell the  
ISP that you want to use PPP (see Setting a  
logon script of the printed Nokia A032  
Wireless LAN Access Point User Guide or the  
A032_User_Guide.pdf file.  
The LCP phase will complete when both sides have sent an LCP configure request to the other and  
received an LCP configure ACK in reply.  
© NOKIA INC | File: a032trbsv2.doc | Date: 15.08.01  
Almost all ISPs require you to identify yourself by logging in after the LCP phase is complete.  
What happens  
Possible problems and solutions  
The Nokia A032 will send the user name and  
password which you have previously configured.  
If the login is not accepted, you will either see a  
reject message in the PPP log, or the line will just  
be dropped by the ISP. If your password is not  
accepted there may be several causes  
If the login is accepted you will see an accept  
message in the PPP log.  
Incorrect capitalization  
With most ISPs, the password open is not  
considered the same as Open.  
Missing prefix  
Sometimes the username needs to be prefixed  
with a network identifier. For example, an ISP  
called Fastnet Inc. might require the user name to  
be prefixed with the string FSN/. Check with your  
Login script required  
The ISP does not accept logging in via PPP and  
requires the use of a login script. See Setting a  
logon script of the printed Nokia A032 Wireless  
LAN Access Point User Guide or the  
A032_User_Guide.pdf file.  
The ISP agrees or assigns the IP address information you will use on its network.  
What happens  
Possible problems and solutions  
In most cases, the ISP will send the IP address  
information to the Nokia A032 to use as its  
external IP address (see Appendix E of the  
Printed Nokia A032 Wireless LAN Access Point  
User Guide or the A032_User_Guide.pdf file).  
The negotiation during this phase is done in a  
similar way to the LCP negotiation. However, in  
this case the protocol is called IP Configuration  
Protocol (IPCP).  
If the ISP fails at this point of the negotiation:-....  
you may have programmed incorrect values  
in the Nokia A032, or  
the ISP is unable to provide IP information  
© NOKIA INC | File: a032trbsv2.doc | Date: 15.08.01  

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